Denk Ingredients GmbH
Neherstraße 9
81675 Munich
Phone: +49 89 230029 400
Managing Director: Daniel Sprung
Court of Registration: Munich
Register Number: HRB 78041
VAT ID: DE129334975
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Denk Ingredients GmbH is a registered member of the NEM e.V., Europe's largest association for dietary supplements, functional foods, cosmetics and more.
Further information can be found directly at NEM e.V. at
We, Denk Ingredients GmbH, reserve the right to make additions or changes to the information available on this website. The structure as well as the content of our website are protected by copyright. Therefore, our express consent is required before copying data and content. This applies in particular to the use of texts or parts thereof or images.
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Despite careful control of the content of our website, we assume neither liability nor guarantee for the content of linked pages. The operators of external links are solely responsible for their content.
The content provided on the pages of our website has been carefully edited and checked. However, we do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, quality or timeliness of the information presented by us.
For better and easier readability, the masculine form is used for personal designations and personal words on this website. In principle, these terms apply to all genders for the purpose of equal treatment. The abbreviated form of language has merely editorial reasons and does not represent any valuation.
Denk Ingredients is an experienced German-based company focused on the distribution of various functional health ingredients to companies throughout Europe. We source our products worldwide from our reliable and certified partners and put emphasis on highest quality and service.
Images from Adobe Stock, iStock, Shutterstock.
Denk Ingredients is a registered member of NEM e.V.